Mobile Application Testing with Python and Selenium

Presenter: Jason Carr

Track: IV


Selenium has grown to be a mature platform on the desktop, but with ‘mobile now’ being the mantra for so many companies, can we use Selenium to effectively test mobile apps? What about Native apps? This talk will cover using Python to test mobile web applications with Selenium, as well as an in depth overview of the future of Selenium to test Native iOS and Android applications.

Selenium is Just a Library

It’s a tool, like anything else, and it has its place in your toolbelt.

Selenium RC is the old bustedness. It doesn’t support some mobile browsers, things like that.

Selenium WebDriver is the new hotness, aka Selenium 2. It supports mobile browsers.

It is pruposed that the low level web driver functionality will become a standard and will be built directly into browsers in the future.

Using Selenium on a Mobile Browser

Every mobile browser is a webdriver, because it’s not running on your computer that is running the actual Selenium script:

from selenium import webdriver

desired_capabilities = {}
desired_capabilities['browser'] = 'android'
desired_capabilities['platform'] = 'linux'
desired_capabilities['version'] = '4.0'


iOS Webdriver is gimped, won’t even let you quit, clear cache, etc, and it requires Xcode.


  • Requires the Android SDK
  • An APK is created that you run in the emulator
  • Setup is hard and annoying


  • Boot up emulator
  • Connect to adb server
  • Install the .apk file
  • Forward tcp:8080 to tcp:8080 on the phone
  • Run your Selenium test


WebViews - A window to the internet provided by the OS that you can put in your app, they aren’t maintained the same way as full fledged browsers. Second class citizens.

They are hard to accurately test, and it’s hard to test on hardware devices.

Native App Testing


Currently the only option is UI Automation

  • Javascript only
  • Limited command line control
  • No interaction with test


Not much better, UI Automator

  • Java tests, compiled and pushed as jars
  • No interaction
  • No test interoperability


  • Require recompiling apps to add code
  • Varias APIs
  • Mixed community and limited help
  • Forced language implementation, so you can’t use the tools you want

This is all BAD

Enter Appium

  • No recompilation of app required, so what you test against is what you can

deploy to the app store * Use Selenium API * All methods are first class citizens, they wrap the test frameworks that the companies provide to you * Any language and OS, supported by Selenium * Open source

Wraps UI Automation and UI Instruments

Because it uses the native testing framework (and wraps it), it supports all of the browser and device functionality that the native testing framework exposes.


Your Script -> Appium Server -> iOS UI Instruments -> Test App


Your Script -> Appium Server -> Android UI Automator -> Test App

What’s Next

They not only wrapped the native UI Automation functionality, but they also wrapped the Mobile Webkit implementation, because they want it to work on real devices. We want ito test W3C compliant browsers whenever possible.

  • Drive a real browser
  • Actual rendering
  • Standards compliant