Python Profiling

Presenter: Amjith Ramanujam

Track: II


This talk will give a tour of different profiling techniques available for Python applications. We’ll cover specific modules in Python for doing function profiling and line level profiling. We’ll show the short comings of such mechanisms in production and discuss how to do sampled profiling of specific functions. We’ll finish with statistical profilers that use thread stack interrogation.


Python - Batteries Included. It comes with its own profiler, cProfile:

python -m cProfile

Sometimes you get a ton of output, so you should save the output to a file:

python -m cProfile -o

RunSnakeRun is a GUI interface for analyzing profile files created with cProfile.

A Catch

Using the profiler adds overhead to your code, and it runs slower, so you don’t want to run the profiler in production.

It’s slow

So you could only profile critical functions by using a decorator to start the profiler at the beginning of the function and turn it off at the end.

Most likely your critical functions are the ones you wnat to be fast, so you don’t want them being profiled all the time.

Statistical Profiler

Kind of like an Overly Attached Girlfriend.

Interrupted - “Hey” Inquired - “Where are you? What are you doing?” Collate - “You don’t love me anymore!”

This all has overhead.

Inquire: Stack frame of every thread, every 100 ms.:

>>> import sys, traceback
>>> frames = sys._current_frames()
>>> stack = traceback.extract_stack(frames)

StatProf Uses unix signals and the CLI to profile stack traces.

Plop Uses unix signals with a callback.

X-Ray Sessions

Was secret, but now it’s in beta. What it does is, you can pick a specific page and you want as much information as possible. You can run an x-ray session on that page and they will collect the first 100 traces (transactions) that run on that page.

Normally you only get targeted instrumentation, but this will run the profiling on the entire trace, so you can come look at the profile and see exactly what’s going on. They also provide you with histograms of those 100 requests, so you can see exactly what percentage of those requests fell within a secific range.

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