Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python =========================================================== **Presenter:** Raymond Hettinger **Track:** VI **Description:** Learn to take better advantage of Python's best features and improve existing code through a series of code transformations, "When you see this, do that instead." Examples:: for x in range(len(colors)): print colors[x] # Should be for x in colors: print colors n = min(len(names), len(colors)) for i in range(n): print names[i], '-->', colors[i] # Should be for name, color in zip(names, colors): print name, '-->', color # But zip is slow, so you should use izip: for name, color in izip(names, colors): print name, '-->', color Awesome components: * zip/izip * defaultdict * Chain * deque * localcontext * with open() as f: * with ignored(SpecificException): do something that could throw an exception